Tuesday, August 2, 2011

New Old Cameras

Been a while! Been really busy getting organized to move over to Finland for school.  Really looking forward to that.  What's more, my dad gave me his old Canon AV-1 and some lenses that look like they've never been used haha.  Then, I was telling one of my co-workers about my AV-1 and he gave me his old AE-1 because he said he'll never use it! What luck, huh!? So cool!

Tonight, I cruised around the park and took some shots with the AE-1.  I never thought I'd get into film photography, but it's really fun.  Feels weird to not be able to see your shot until you develop it, but that's also part of the fun.  Anyway, I'm going to try to get some more shots and get them developed so that you guys can see the results.  Hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed themselves!

Oh, almost forgot, made another super-sick purchase that should arrive, I'm hoping, tomorrow.  More on that when it comes in ;)

Ciao for now!

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